I thought I'd be all gourmet and make my own chicken broth/stock.
For a long time I thought that using a slowcooker was safer since it was slower. SPOILER ALERT it still gets hot.
I went to strain the bones out of the hot broth so I put a colander in a big bowl to save the broth and poured it. What's next happened so fast.
I think I went to adjust my grip or something. The bowl fell on the floor and I ended up dropping the crock and some broth got on me so I pushed back quickly and fell into the broth and crawled out of it and onto the carpet. Once I got on the carpet I realized I still had boiling hot broth on my pants so I took them off. Luckily I had a hamper of clean towels that I used to cover myself for modesty's sake. I left my wc in the very hot and spilled broth and I laid on the floor in agony waiting for my mom. My husband was studying in the library without any service so I couldn't call him.
My step father was the first on site. It must have been only 10 min. but it felt like forever. He got me frozen things for my burn and stayed with me until my step sister, Laura, got mthere. Randy watched Laura 's 3 and my sleeping (thankfully) 1 while Laura took me to the ER.
I met my mom outside the hospital where I was rushed into a room. I think it was to save me from being half naked in the waiting room.
I laid on the hospital bed afraid to move because I found a position that made my five billion pain a four billion. The staff needed information before I got any treatment including pain management. I tried my best to speak clearly when giving my address and DOB when I just wanted to scream.I texted Stephen through gmail and he came to my rescue and gave the remaining info much faster than I could. They finally finished the form and were allowed to treat me. The go-to pain med was morphine but morphine dropped my heart-rate when in labor with Nolan, so that wouldn't work. After a couple more agonizing minutes they got another med and gave it to me. I forget what it was or how they administered it but I do remember how heavenly it felt.
They put a type of desiton looking cream on it, put gauze type stuff on it, taped it up and sent me home.
That was the first time I went to the hospital and I didn't stay overnight.
While Stephen was gone during the day I stayed at my mom's or she took Nolan. Actually I don't remember the arrangements but I know they worked out.
I was going to include pictures of it but they were too graphic and just plain gross. I don't mind letting people see but there might be some delicate stomachs out there. If you want to see them just let me know and I'll send them your way. In the meantime use your imagination.
Despite the odds I healed up nicely and only have 2 blob shaped scars on my left hip from it.
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