I'm not sure exactly what happened but my uncle heard of a high end surgeon that specializes in brain surgery on pregnant women. My on or husband made arrangements with the Dr. I was let out of inpatient after a few weeks and was home (inWymount) for about a day before flying to AZ for my surgery with Dr Spetzler (sp?)
Before my surgery I got many calls from people I knew wishing me luck and saying they love me. I think it was in case I didn't survive the surgery. I listened to their voicemails and left the talking to Stephen. I didn't want people to hear my voice post stroke because it changed so much and I knew how hard it was to understand me. Virtually impossible. Luckily when I was still in UT Stephen set up a group for me on facebook. There people I knew were in formed of my condition and they could give me well wishes there. Plus they could "hear" what I had to say since I didn't reject the idea of me typing.
That's still a struggle for me even now.
While I recovered from surgery I stayed in the ICU. Stephen often took walks so the hospital when I was otherwise occupied. On a walk he saw a blond rock star come in with hushed staff. I was in my ICU room and the staff brought in Brett Michaels. That was the first time I had heard of him and I was indifferent to the whole thing.
I fully expected to be my uninjured self after the cav. mal. was removed. That was about 3 yrs ago...yeah right.
After the surgery it was obvious that taking out the cav mal wasn't going to*fix* me so I thought I'd be generous and give myself til Nolan was born to recover. That didn't happen either. Later my goal was to walk unassisted before Nolan walked. Wrong again.
I was In the ICU for a couple days with constant supervision and hooked up to a whole lot o f machines monitoring stuff. Then I was moved to a private room on the Neuro floor. My mom and Stephen took turns being with me and staying the night. There I discovered that if I stayed upright long enough to eat I puked my brains out so I had to be fed while laying down. Flying back to UT was not going to happen soon so the three of us were stranded.
I stayed in my Private room for about a week awaiting approval of insurance that would work out of state. After I was cleared I did inpatient PT and OT. The main goal was to get well enough to ride a plane to UT. I did therapy there for about 2 weeks then I was cleared to fly.
When I did rehab in AZ I had a rehab roommate which meant Stephen
I could now kinda feed myself as long as I had a thick fork cover and food I could stab and bite sized. I only used my left hand to eat but I told myself I'd be a righty when this was all over. I was right for once. Whenever I ate anything I made such a mess that I needed something to cover my whole front to avoid ruining my clothes
When we flew back to UT I did therapy at a series of rehab places leading to now.
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